Volunteering with ERICD

Our volunteers are key in promote and improve long-lasting and environmentally-friendly practices that protect natural resources such as soil, water, and air.

Current Opportunities

Earth Month Rain Barrel Workshops April 5th, April 26th, May 3rd, and May 17th Volunteers will help with rain barrel preparation, checking people in, painting barrels, etc. Sign up HERE!

Plog Newport April 19th, 2025 Participants will walk or jog a 1-4 mile segment of the race route and pick up trash. There are three signup times to pick from; 10:00AM-12:00PM, 12:30PM-2:00PM, or 2:00-3:00pm. Sign up HERE and use code ERICD!

Other Volunteer Opportunities

  • Occurs Seasonally

    Do you like being outside? Enjoy gardening? Want to help kids learn about sustainable agriculture? Volunteer at the farm! Learn more about the farm here.

    Contact rbrancato.ericd@gmail.com for more info.

  • Our board meetings are open to the public. Join us if you are interested in getting involved! No pressure or commitment required. See all of our upcoming meetings here.

    If interested in becoming a board member reach out at info@easternriconservation.org.

    Meetings are held the Fourth Monday of Each Month at 5:30PM (except December)

  • Occurs in April

    Looking for a way to get outside and give back to the community? Consider volunteering with us for Earth Month. There are multiple ways and opportunities to volunteer all month long, including Rain Barrel Workshops, Plogging the Newport Marathon, and our Seedling Sale.

    Learn more about our Earth Month programs here.

  • Have an idea for a volunteer event?

    Want to collaborate with ERICD for a volunteering opportunity?

    Looking for more ways to get involved?

    Contact us at info@easternriconservation.org!