Residential Rain Barrels
Using a rain barrel is one of the simplest ways to protect the Aquidneck Island watershed.
Scroll to bottom of page for How to Make a Rain Barrel!
April 5th - Barrington Workshop, 10AM-12:30PM, 283 County Rd, Barrington, RI
April 26th - Middletown Workshop, 10AM-12:30PM, 9 Berkeley Ave, Middletown, RI
May 3rd - Bristol Workshop, 10AM-12:30PM, 101 Asylum Rd, Bristol, RI
May 17th - Portsmouth Workshop, 12:00PM-2:30PM, Ragged Island Brewing Company 54 Bristol Ferry Rd, Bristol, RI
What is a rain barrel?
Rain barrels are repurposed plastic drums, donated by partners like Coca-Cola Beverages Northeast and the Rhode Island Brewers Guild, that attach to and collect rain water from the downspout on your house.
How does a rain barrel help the watershed?
It all begins with rainfall. When it rains, water washes harmful pesticides and waste down the streets and into the watershed. Rain barrels divert this water, keeping our watershed cleaner.
How can I get my own rain barrel?
Attend one of our rain barrel workshops! Keep an eye out on our events page for upcoming workshops and join our mailing list to be the first to know about upcoming events.
Thank You to Coca-Cola Beverages Northeast and the Rhode Island Brewers Guild for donating used barrels to us to turn into rain barrels!
How to Build a Rain Barrel
Follow the instructions in the YouTube video below. There is also a materials list and FAQ to help guide you. Please contact with any questions.