ABC6 Video - Earth Month continues with a full slate of events for Eastern Rhode Island Conservation District

by Tim Studebaker

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (WLNE) – The Eastern Rhode Island Conservation District has a full slate of Earth Month events planned in the coming days.  It starts with something called plogging, a Swedish trend that’s been catching on around the world.

Sara Churgin is the organization’s District Manager.  Churgin says, “Plogging is picking up trash while you are moving, any sort of movement, so walking, jogging and picking up trash outside.”

Earlier this month, ploggers in Newport cleaned up more than 125 pounds of trash during an evening run.  You can participate too by registering online, logging what you collect between this Friday and Monday, and you could even win a prize.

The group is also selling native tree seedlings to promote the health of the environment on Saturday.

Next up, on Sunday in Portsmouth, they’re hosting an Earth Day themed stand up comedy show.

Churgin says, “The headliner, she’s an environmentalist and really supports our causes.  We’ll do a little talk at the very beginning, why we’re there and to be grateful for Earth Month, to be able to celebrate the Earth, and hope that the Earth stays around for a long, long time.”

And next month, they’re hosting a make-your-own rain barrel workshop.  Rain barrels help conserve water by collecting rainwater which can then be used to water your garden.

Churgin says, “You attach a hose to the bottom of the rain barrel where a spout comes out, and then you can go and just water to your heart’s content. I can’t say enough about them.  Every year, we sell out.”

For more information about the Eastern Rhode Island Conservation District and all their Earth Month events, visit their website:

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Celebrate Earth Month with Eastern Rhode Island Conservation District