Learn how to prep a rain barrel, with all the materials and step by step guidance provided within the workshop. At the end of the workshop you will be taking home a ready-to-install rain barrel and installation kit, which will collect and store stormwater for your garden.
The cost of this workshop is $55 which includes attending the workshop, the rain barrel materials and installation kit which you will take home to install yourself after the workshop.
Please pay attention to the arrival time of your ticket as each workshop is split into three arrival windows so that our volunteers have the capacity to set you up with your materials. Containers generously provided by Coca-Cola. Made possible with support from the River Network.
For conservation and pollution prevention, installing a rain barrel to collect and store rainwater for use on your lawn and gardens is a simple but powerful way to make a difference for Narragansett Bay.
Lawn and garden watering typically makes up 40% of total summer household water usage, according to the EPA. Plus, the biggest threat to our waters today is polluted runoff water that runs off our roofs and into our streets and alleys, carrying all the oil, sediment and other contaminants that it picks up along the way into our lakes, rivers and streams.
The Eastern Rhode Island Conservation District (ERICD) is a non-profit, quasi-public organization that functions as a facilitator for meeting the needs of the local land user in the conservation of soil, water and other related natural resources.
The make-up Rain-Date for this workshop is Sunday, April 14. You will be notified via the email that you sign up with whether the workshop is postponed due to the weather!
Please contact Natalie at nducharmebarth.ericd@gmail.com with any questions or concerns. We look forward to seeing you there!